TLC 22 | Reset Your Mindset

How do you set your direction towards success, prosperity, and good physical and mental health? The most important thing that you can do is to reset your mindset.

In this episode, author, speaker, trainer and Master Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik shares what we need to rock it in this time of constant change.

About Mark Yuzuik

TLC 22 | Reset Your Mindset

Mark Yuzuik is an author, investor, speaker, corporate trainer and Master Hypnotist.

With 30 years of experience, he has performed over 10,000 hypnosis shows to audiences of more than 5 million people across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and South America, helping people change their results by changing their ways of thinking.

Check out this episode if you want to learn:

  • How to stop comparing yourself to others
  • Why it’s not about winning the race, but about following through
  • What happens when you truly tap into your talent

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Reset Your Mindset – Move Forward To Success, Prosperity And Health With Mark Yuzuik

Taking a look at all you’ve accomplished, how do you feel?

I’ve been grateful and blessed. I don’t want to say I’m lucky, because I think people create their own luck by the decisions they make, who they hang around, and how they relate to themselves, as well as others.

Every one of us has a gift, and I tapped into my gift. I love to entertain, (but there is also) a lot of hard work and studying going on. Whether (people) want to lose weight, stop smoking, create a relationship, get a better business, it only boils down to one thing. How are they showing up for themselves, to make a difference in their life, so that they can influence others?

TLC 22 | Reset Your Mindset

Reset Your Mindset: Every one of us is a leader. We have nothing to prove but something to share.

Even during the pandemic, how are people relating? Are some hurting and some flourishing? The answer is yes. It’s (about) where you are at, and how you relate (to others).

If we want to (feel) down, it’s OK — but don’t live there. Tony (Robbins) always says, ‘Don’t live in your down. Visit, and get out.’ There’s that country song, ‘If you’re going through hell, keep on going’ — everyone goes through that period, but we don’t need to park it there.

Every one of us are leaders. We need to tap into that place of (understanding that) we have nothing to prove, but something to share.

You work with people at the start of their career, as well as high-performers at their peak. How do people progress in their work?

A leader is automatically conditioning themselves before they (even) get (into) that position. You’re focused on what you have to do. Before I get on stage, there are certain songs I may listen to, moves I need to make, things I want to read, to condition my body and mind to be in sync.

It’s like (if somebody) pushes you with two fingers, you’re off balance — (but) if you’re standing in a position of certainty, nobody can push over — even with two hands! — because your mind and body are in sync.

A leader (may) go to somebody he wants to (mentor) and say, ‘This is what I do as a leader.’ (But) somebody that you’re just mentoring — they don’t know anything about how to condition your mind and body.

Do you have an example?

There’s this video I always like to play, (and) it will make you cry every time. It’s about not winning, (but) following through and continuing. It was the summer Olympics in 1992 (which) ironically was when I started my career, and everyone said I (wouldn’t) make it. The gentleman (in the video) was favoured to win (but) at 250 meters (into the race) — right before he’s getting to the finish — he pulled a hamstring.

They brought the stretcher, and he said no. He got off this stretcher and he picked himself up. He’s hobbling, (and) his father jumps out of the stands. Security stopped them. I get goosebumps talking about it — he goes, ‘That’s my son. Son, you don’t have to do this.’ (His son) said, ‘Yes, I do.’

It’s not the fact that you win first place. It’s the fact that you run your race. The audience gave him a standing ovation, not because he won, but because he was a winner. It’s not a race we run to win, (but about making) sure we continue to follow through, even through the challenges in life.

It’s an amazing video. How does it impact your work?

That man who was guaranteed first place said, ‘I’m not going to quit, (even though) I have every right. They even brought on a stretcher, and they still respect me — (but) I’m going to finish this race.’ Maybe that influenced somebody to say, ‘I was there for a reason to see this man do that. He was an instrument for the higher power to be used.’

When I do seminars or when I’m coaching somebody, I’m like, ‘What race are you wanting to win? Are you running this race because you have a purpose and a goal to make sure it gets finished?’ Maybe along the way, you made a difference in (somebody else’s) life, so they can have a journey too.’

'Winning is not about finishing first. It’s following through amid the challenges in life.' Share on X
It also brings to light the feeling of falling behind. I find that social media has amplified that — FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out. How do you handle that?

Stop comparing yourself (or trying to get) approval from somebody else. Maybe the place you’re in is (where you’re) supposed to be, because that’s going to give you a better foundation.

Always trying to keep up or compare yourself (comes from) insecurity. Someone may say, ‘I’m doing it because I’m inspired by them.’ I understand that — so do the best you can with the tools that you have, and open the doors so you can let the right people in.

Sometimes you got your doors so locked that you think you got to run your own race. How do you want to get mechanics to fix your car when you’re the only one (in the race)?

Where you are in life is (where you’re) supposed to be. Keep pushing, but don’t judge yourself because you’re not ‘good enough’. Keep striving and open the doors.

Maybe there are people in your life who you’re going to need to get a divorce from. In 2020, I got a couple of divorces, because (those people) weren’t helping me move forward – but I also got a couple of engagements. Maybe you’re (in) the wrong relationships.

School wasn’t fun for you, and some may say that you’ve been limited by your educational background. What helped you get to where you are today?

I went to a very small, abusive school, (and) got straight F’s all through it. They wouldn’t even give me my diploma. (Teachers) would point the finger — ‘you’re a loser in life’ — and they thrived on that.

(Eventually) I said, ‘I’m not going to try to keep up with anybody, because that’s not my expertise.’ I’m not good at what they do in school. I’m only good at what I can do. I allowed (space for) anger, instead of being depressed about it, (and decided) to succeed, to prove to them (that) I was not the person they thought I was going to become.

That’s why I got into real estate so young. I’ve done a couple of thousand deals. Here’s what’s interesting too: I feel that people judge themselves when you aspire to be somebody else.

When I got into real estate, (people) used to make fun of me. I sold my car because I saved $20 a week in gas to buy a bicycle to ride to school. It was five miles — it wasn’t bad (and) I was young.

When I got (into) hypnosis, they (remarked), ‘You’re going to go hypnotize people. Now you’re going to be a speaker.’ Every one of those people are (more) broke than me. They haven’t been as fulfilled as I have.

When I talk about fulfillment — I don’t know how many lives they’ve saved. I’ve done 10,000 shows (and) traveled all over the world. I’ve toured with Robert Kiyosak (and) I was supposed to be on Tony Robbins’ stage.

TLC 22 | Reset Your Mindset

Reset Your Mindset: Stop comparing yourself to others. The place you’re in is where you are supposed to be because it’s going to give you the strongest growth.

Then COVID happened (and) I lost all my business. (But) if COVID didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be with you on this show, because the opportunity wouldn’t have been there.

We got out of complacency (and) we’re thriving in ways. I’m getting to work on my health, my relationship is stronger than it’s ever been.

I don’t have a diploma, but I got a hell of an education and experience. My resume doesn’t sit on a wall. It sits on how many people I’ve helped, saved, and influenced.

You’re a star; people love being around you. We’ve seen how others can get caught up in that lifestyle. How do you balance that in yourself?

When we’re first starting off in being successful and we’re climbing, (there are two drivers): significance and variety. We’re doing it because (we) want nice clothes, a Rolex, and a big house. That’s OK – it’s a great feeling.

Life changes for you when you get older, (or) when you lose everything you have. I remember in ’08 — I lost a lot of money, millions of dollars. Some other people lost a lot more, (and) what I realized was that their drive was different. It wasn’t based on significance or variety — it was based on certainty.

I have a friend that made $86 million in three years and built a $21 million house, (spending) $58,000 a month to live there. His house is not worth what it cost him to live there, based on losing his freedom every day. He sold the house and (now) rents for $7,000 a month.

He said, ‘I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life, because I don’t have that house owning me.’ He built it for his wife, and they liked it. I used to stay there, (and) to me, after four or five days, it’s the same kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and TV in the living room. The rest of the 30,000 square foot that he had — that he never used — was for what?

He goes, ‘I had $30 million cash in the bank, making $100,000 a month off (of) the interest, for what? Now, I’m back at work again.’ He has built it back up even stronger, but his drive (is) different (now).

Me and my wife were like, ‘We should sell our house. We can retire, buy a motor home, travel the world, work on our health and enjoy life.’ We’ll buy the house that she wants in a year or two, when we get off the road.

Our priorities have changed; I don’t need a big house for somebody to go, ‘Look at how successful you are.’ Are you measured by that, instead of how happy and fulfilled you are?

(My wife) Yolanda, she’s a beautiful woman. (From) 7 years-old to 17, she worked as a Mexican migrant, so she understands. I want to give her a great life. She’s not materialistic either — it’s more about the relationship, working on what’s important to us, doing events, seminars, connecting with people and growing.

Have people who appreciate who you are, and what you have to offer, instead of what you own. That’s what I love about losing things, because I’ve gained back so much more in reality.

There’s a saying: ‘the loss of things isn’t so much a loss. It’s the emptying of space, for new things to take its place.’
'Focus on your assets, not your liabilities. What you focus on is what you will attract.' Share on X

It’s a great way to put it.

What advice would you give to leaders who are going through a transition in their life or career?

When you give advice, sometimes (people) take it, sometimes they don’t. As mentors and coaches, we suggest things, (so) I would suggest that when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is realize what your assets are — not what your liabilities are. That doesn’t mean how much money you have in the bank. It’s: ‘I can walk, and I have my health, connections, relationships.’

If you focus more on your liabilities than your assets, then that’s what you’re going to attract in your life. I would strongly suggest when you wake up, you celebrate, be happy and grateful. Do the little things for the people you care about, that you used to do when you first (wanted to) impress them. You do it not because it’s expected, but because you appreciate them. Your relationships will grow, and you’ll attract the right people into your relationships, which is what you need to do. When you relate right, that ship will sail in the direction that you want.

Condition your mind and body. If you need to wake up and watch that video from 1992, do it. If you want to see Courtney Hadwin when she was 13 years-old on America’s Got Talent, thinking she’s going to get X’s — (instead) she gets the Golden Buzzer, and became a rock star instantly.

You flip that switch as an entertainer. As a mentor or coach, we flip the switch when it’s time to go to work. It’s no longer about us, it’s about this is a gift.

How you wake up is going to determine how your day is going to go. I would strongly suggest people get into a routine. I’m not going to get up and see what the news says — (instead) I’m going to get up and create my own news.

Stop being a follower. Be somebody that influences, so you can move forward and influence others in a positive way. Celebrate what you have, (because) who knows how much time we got?

TLC 22 | Reset Your Mindset

Reset Your Mindset: As a mentor or coach, we flip the switch when it’s time to go to work. It’s no longer about us.

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